The Shacks

The Shack – 2009

g7syw shack 2009Yet again moving, and into smaller premises, meant the shack size was seriously reduced.

In fact it was reduced to two radios, both being the Yaesu FT-857D, often described as a “shack in a box”.

One was already in use for mobile with a Yaesu ATAS-120a antenna, the “new” one being used in the shack with a 2M/70cms co-linear antenna on the chimney and the Hustler 5-BTV for HF use.

In the picture you can see a Tigertronics Signalink PC to radio interface unit which I used for digimodes. The software being used is MixW which can be seen in the picture on the left monitor.

The right monitor shows a copy of DX Atlas running.

Here’s a short video of the FT-857 used in the shack, it isn’t BBC quality as it was filmed on a mobile phone…