Band Plans

UK 10m Band Plan (28-30 MHz)

UK 10m band plan for 28-20 MHz for amateur radio operators. Foundation and Intermediate Licence holders are advised to check their licences for the permitted power limits and conditions applicable to their class of licence.

10m band plan
All band plans are based on the IARU International band plans, however, there may be slight variations to allow for local regulations. This 10m band plan is for UK based radio amateurs.

Find more band plans here

10m band plan (28-30 MHz)

Frequency Bandwidth Preferred Modes and Usage
28.000 – 28.070 MHz200 HzCW
28.055 MHz: QRS (slow) Centre of Activity
28.060 MHz: QRP (low power) Centre of Activity
28.070 – 28.120 MHz500 HzNarrow band modes
28.120 – 28.150 MHz500 HzNarrow band modes – automatically controlled data stations (unattended)
28.150 – 28.190 MHz500 HzNarrow band modes
28.190 – 28.199 MHzIBP – regional time shared beacons
28.199 – 28.201 MHzIBP – global time shared beacons
28.201 – 28.220 MHzIBP – continuous-duty beacons
28.225 – 28.300 MHz2.7 KHzAll modes – beacons
28.300 – 28.320 MHz2.7 KHzAll modes – automatically controlled data stations (unattended)
28.320 – 29.000 MHz2.7 KHzAll modes
28.330 MHz: Digital Voice centre of activity
28.360 MHz: QRP Centre of Activity
28.680 MHz: Image Centre of Activity
29.000 – 29.100 MHz6 HzAll modes
29.100 – 29.200 MHz6 HzAll modes – FM simplex (10 kHz channels)
29.200 – 29.300 MHz6 HzAll modes – automatically controlled data stations (unattended)
29.270 MHz: UK Internet voice gateway – unattended
29.280 MHz: UK Internet voice gateway – unattended
29.290 MHz: UK Internet voice gateway – unattended
29.300 – 29.510 MHz6 HzSatellite links
29.510 – 29.520 MHz6 HzGuard channel
29.520 – 29.590 MHz6 HzAll modes – FM repeater inputs (RH1-RH8)
29.600 MHz6 HzAll modes – FM calling channel
29.610 MHz6 HzAll modes – FM simplex repeater (parrot) – input and output
29.620 – 29.700 MHz6 HzAll modes – FM repeater outputs (RH1-RH8)


  1. Beacons may be established for direction finding competitions except within 50km of NGR SK985640 (Waddington)

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