Band Plans

UK 6m Band Plan (50MHz)

UK 6m band plan for 50 MHz for use by amateur radio operators. Foundation and Intermediate Licence holders are advised to check their licences for the permitted power limits and conditions applicable to their class of licence.

6m band plan
All band plans are based on the IARU International band plans, however, there may be slight variations to allow for local regulations. This 6m band plan is for UK based radio amateurs.

Find more band plans here

6m band plan (50 MHz)

Frequency Bandwidth Preferred Modes and Usage
50.000 – 50.100 MHz500 HzCW Only (except for Beacon Project – Note 2)
50.050 MHz: Future International Centre of Activity
50.090 MHz: Intercontinental DX Centre of Activity (Note 1)
50.100 – 50.200 MHz2.7 KHzSSB/CW – International Preferred
50.100-50.130 MHz: Intercontinental DX CW & SSB (Note 1)
50.110 MHz: Intercontinental DX Centre of Activity
50.130-50.200 MHz: General International CW & SSB
50.150 MHz: International Centre of Activity
50.200 – 50.300 MHz2.7 KHzSSB/CW – General Usage
50.285 MHz: Crossband Centre of Activity
50.300 – 50.400 MHz2.7 KHzMGM/Narrowband/CW
50.305 MHz: PSK Centre of Activity
50.310-50.320 MHz: EME (Earth Moon Earth)
50.320-50.380 MHz: MS (Meteor Scatter)
50.400 – 50.500 MHzPropagation Beacons Only
50.500 – 52.000 MHz12.5 KHzAll Modes
50.510 MHz: SSTV (AFSK)
50.520 MHz: Internet voice gateway (10 kHz channels), (IARU common channel)
50.530 MHz: Internet voice gateway (10 kHz channels), (IARU common channel)
50.540 MHz: Internet voice gateway (10 kHz channels), (IARU common channel)
50.550 MHz: Image/Fax working frequency
50.600 MHz: RTTY (FSK)
50.620-50.750 MHz: Digital communications
50.630 MHz: Digital Voice (DV) calling
50.710-50.890 MHz: FM/DV Repeater Outputs (10 kHz channel spacing)
51.210-51.390 MHz: FM/DV Repeater Inputs (10 KHz channel spacing) (Note 4)
51.410-51.590 MHz: FM/DV Simplex (Note 3) (Note 4)
51.510 MHz: FM calling frequency
51.530 MHz: GB2RS news broadcast and slow CW
51.650 & 51.750 MHz: See Note 5 (25kHz aligned)
51.770 & 51.790 MHz: See Note 5
51.810-51.990 MHz: FM/DV Repeater Outputs (IARU aligned channels)


  1. Only to be used between stations in different continents (not for intra-European QSOs)
  2. 50.0-50.1MHz is currently shared with Propagation Beacons. These are due to be migrated by Aug-2014 to 50.4-50.5 MHz, to create more space for CW and a new Synchronised Beacon Project
  3. 20 kHz channel spacing. Channel centre frequencies start at 51.430 MHz
  4. Embedded data traffic is allowed with digital voice (DV)
  5. May be used for Emergency Communications and Community Events
  6. 51.0-52.0 MHz Available on the basis on non-interference to other services (inside or outside the UK)

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